On September 12th, the Star Atlas community eagerly anticipates the launch of Crew Cards utility within the browser-based strategy game, SAGE Labs.
Understanding Crew Cards
Crew Cards are now individual NFTs representing crew members, no longer exclusively linked to specific ships. Players can assign these unique Cards to any ship they choose. The Cards belong to one of seven distinct species, each with its own narrative: Sogmians, Mierese, Punaabs, Usturs, Manus Ultima Divina (MUD), Photoli, or Tufa. Furthermore, they are categorized into rarity tiers and seven different crew aptitudes, which determine their primary roles through randomly generated abilities and talents. The available crew aptitudes are:
- Command
- Flight
- Engineering
- Medical
- Scientist
- Operator
- Hospitality
To maximize crew efficiency, it’s essential to align crew members with their natural roles. For instance, a Crew Card with a Medical aptitude assigned to a Medical role will enhance the crew’s experience in that specialization.
Initial Utility of Crew Cards in SAGE Labs
In discussions earlier this year, it was shared that one of the initial utilities of Crew Cards would be to enhance crafting efficiency in SAGE. As the web3 game evolves with new features, additional utilities will be rolled out. Initially, having a larger crew count increases your crafting efficiency. Over time, these Cards are expected to boost production levels and improve role efficiency.
On September 12th, when the utility is activated, all fleets will be deconstructed and returned to the Central Space Station for reconfiguration. Players will already have the ability to import and withdraw Crew Cards in SAGE. Recent announcements on Discord highlighted that new enhancements are forthcoming, including a script designed to simplify the transfer of numerous crew members from Ledger to the game. Additionally, players will be able to shift SAGE profile authority to different wallets.
Beyond SAGE, Crew Cards are set to function as in-game avatars for the upcoming Unreal Engine 5 R2.2, allowing players to create trainable crews aboard their spaceships while engaging in RPG-style gameplay on mobile.
Last month marked a snapshot event to reward ship holders with Crew Packs, and more rewards in the form of Component Bundles are anticipated. Let’s explore what these bundles entail.
Exploring Component Bundles
Component Bundles are collections of high-tier ship parts and weapons, which were traditionally considered integral to the vessel itself. With the introduction of these Bundles, similar to Crew Packs, eligible holders will receive them later, especially as new features are rolled out to establish their utility. Recipients can opt to convert these bundles into individual components once the complete Ship Configuration Protocol is live, or they can trade the bundles in the galactic marketplace.
Understanding Component Tiers
Components are offered in various tiers. Below is a quick reference table of different bundles and their corresponding ship part tiers:
Post-snapshot, new buyers of Star Atlas ships from the marketplace will receive only the standard asset: the Ship Hull, which includes Tier 0 components, utility rigs, and interior fittings. Tier 0 parts are non-tradable and are automatically replaced when players equip higher-tier assets. This tier includes items like:
- Power Core
- Shield Generators
- Hull Reinforcement
- Warp Drive
- Sub-Engine
- Main Thrusters
- Heat Sinks
- Scanner Array
- Tractor Beams
It’s important to note that weapons, modules, and crew are not included with the purchase, so players will need to acquire these elements separately to customize their ships effectively.
Currently, ships exist as semi-fungible tokens with identical in-game statistics, but once the Ship Configuration Protocol is implemented, they will become unique NFTs. This change will allow customization and upgrades tailored to individual playstyles. The following six components are vital for ship functionality:

The implementation of the Ship Configuration Protocol will pave the way for diverse ship-building strategies while fostering a new in-game economy, enabling Star Atlas players to utilize crafting features to generate core components, weapons, and modules for trading on the marketplace.
For more comprehensive insights into the future of Star Atlas ships, you can refer to this Medium post.